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Nov 21, 2018

From farm to table, truck drivers make Thanksgiving possible

From farm to table, truck drivers make Thanksgiving possible
Although many people might not think about it, truck drivers play a vital role in bringing everything you come into contact with on a daily basis to your door – everything from what you wear to what you eat to where you sleep. When it comes to Thanksgiving, the holiday wouldn’t be the same without the hard work of truck drivers.

A study conducted by the Minnesota Trucking Association revealed that it takes more than 83,000 truckloads to put Thanksgiving dinner on your table. That’s around 46 million turkeys, 80 million pounds of cranberries, 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkins and 2.4 billion pounds of sweet potatoes. And if you’re a fan of green bean casserole? Yep, all those ingredients needed for that recipe get transported by truck too.

Fasting this Thanksgiving? While we wouldn’t recommend passing up the stuffing, gravy and pumpkin pie, we’ll let you do you. Keep in mind, though, that truckers still had a hand in getting you that chair you’re sitting in while you don’t eat the Thanksgiving feast. It may have been made overseas and shipped here by boat, but then it was put on a truck and delivered to the store where it was purchased. The local craftsmen who built your dining room table hired a local company to deliver the table by truck right to your door. Even your dinnerware, table linens, candles and other decor likely spent significant time in the back of a truck while on its way to you.

You see? Thanksgiving would certainly be a quieter, less delicious day without the help of truck drivers around the country. Since it’s the season to be thankful, we want to thank truck drivers for making this holiday a memorable one. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy our holiday feasts and share some special moments with friends and family. We hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving too!
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