Truckers who find themselves on the road Christmas Day have the gift of ample parking to look forward to. Trucker Path data indicates truck parking spots 53% more abundant than on average through the rest of the year.
The truck parking app has also revealed trends on parking availability in the U.S. and Canada.
When a user enters an area where truck parking is known to be available, they are presented with a pop-up question in the app asking if there are Many Spaces Available, Some Spaces Available, or if the Lot is Full. App users submit more than 10 million parking status updates per month.

Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., 11.1% of Canadian parking lots are full, while 60.6% have lots of parking spots available. Newfoundland is the hardest province (excluding territories) in which to find parking between 11 and 2, with 33% of parking lots full. B.C. is the second worst, with 27.6% of lots full.
At night, between the hours of 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., the struggle to find truck parking worsens. During these evening hours 35.9% of Canadian parking lots are full, with only 22% having lots of parking available.
Nova Scotia and Quebec are the hardest provinces in which to find truck parking in the evening, with 75% and 53% of lots full, respectively.
Manitoba is the best province in which to find truck parking, with 28.2% of locations having lots of truck parking available at night and 72% having lots of spots available during midday. (P.E.I. excluded, due to its small sample size).

Trucker Path’s U.S. data shows truck parking is more crowded on the East Coast than on the West Coast, and parking lots are fuller in the evening hours than during the midday hours.
States with the least truck parking at midday are: Massachusetts, New Jersey, Washington, North Carolina, and Maryland. States with the least truck parking at night are: West Virginia, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Arkansas.
The easiest states in which to find truck parking midday are: North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota, Michigan, and Nevada. In the evening, the best states for finding truck parking are: South Dakota, Michigan, Vermont, Nevada, and Florida.