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Mar 08, 2019 • Carriers

Industry Update March 8, 2019

Industry Update March 8, 2019

Trucking Industry Update March 8, 2019

By Jeremy Feucht


Did you Know?

This week in history saw its very first Adopt-A-Highway sign be placed. March 9, 1985, the Tyler Civitan Club committed to picking up trash on Texas Highway 69.  

Trucking tip of the Week

Tornado season is upon us. Alabama saw 18 strike in a single day earlier this week. Tornado season usually lasts from March to June. Keep an eye out on weather forecasts and the FMCSA Declaration of Emergency page. Remember, you cannot outrun a tornado, so don’t try.  


The ATA is stepping up efforts to counterman the increases they are seeing across individual states to place road improvement costs all on the trucking industry. Instead, they are offering up another idea. Called the “Build America Fund,” the ATA’s CEO Chris Spear is calling for a $.20 per gallon increase on fuel tax which would be implemented over the next five years. While any increase in fuel means increases in prices every where else, Mr. Spear makes several solid points on why we can no longer ignore the infrastructure crisis in the US.  


Last week, we talked about the ATA pushing the “Drive Safe Act.” This piece of legislation would allow those who are under 21 to drive interstate. This week Mark Allen, President and CEO of the International Foodservice Distributors Association (IFDA) also weighed in on the topic. Mr. Allen, like the ATA, believes this is a good idea due to the increasing capacity crunch the industry is seeing. The crunch is finally starting to hit consumer pricing and presidents for associations like the ATA and IFDA are attempting to make the public understand why. Is this the best option? Maybe not, but at least groups are attempting to make sure the issues are seen and understood by those outside of the industry.  

Avoiding Toll Roads?

If you have practiced avoiding toll roads in your big rig, you might need to reconsider doing it in the future. Maryland and Delaware State Police created their own blitz. The crackdown came on February 28-March 1 and focused on drivers avoiding the US 301 toll. 85 drivers in total were stopped with 77 receiving citations and two were forced out of service. More sprees like this are expected to be conducted. Make sure you check out state laws in the jurisdictions you will be traveling in if you plan on attempting to avoid tolls.
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