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Sep 29, 2021 •
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Protect Yourself from Growing the Threat of Cargo Theft
Cargo theft can easily seem like someone else’s problem to a trucker who’s never been a victim. <br> <br> <br> The truth is, all owner operators, carriers and consumers are affected by the growing incidents of thefts and the enormous amount of money involved. Cargo thefts rose 27% from 2023 to 2024, according to CargoNet’s analysis,and amount to almost $500 million a year. <br> <br> It’s crucial for drivers to be aware of what’s going on in order to protect themselves and their interests. It’s not just the risk of being responsible for a stolen cargo worth ten or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Cargo theft affects truckers in ways they may not be aware of. Rising insurance rates, the erosion of trust among shippers, and the effect on grocery prices are real costs of cargo theft that are growing. <br> <br> Even if you’ve been driving a while, it’s important to stay in the know because it’s a rapidly changing field. Many of the risks and security best practices remain the same, but new threats and schemes are constantly being revealed. Here are the highpoints we think every trucker should know in today’s environment. <br> <br> <br> <strong>The Risks of Cargo Theft Are Great</strong> <br> <br> A stolen truckload or portion of a truckload can be worth a lot. The estimated average value of theft incidents is $202,364, CargoNet says. It depends on what the freight is. Electronics and pharmaceuticals are going to be at the high end. <br> <br> For carriers who are victims of cargo theft, insurance hopefully covers the loss, but the value of the stolen freight and your coverage will determine whether you have financial responsibility. That can be a big hit. Plus, when your policy comes up for renewal, you may be looking at a rate increase. <br> <br> Any way you look at it, having the freight you’re responsible for stolen reflects poorly on you as a driver. Whether or not you were at fault, there may be damage to your reputation. You may lose business. And if your equipment is damaged in a burglary, you may miss work or be responsible for big, unexpected repairs if you have a high insurance deductible. <br> <br> <br> <strong>Know How Cargo Thefts Happen</strong> <br> <br> A heightened awareness of risks and knowledge of the most common methods of cargo theft help you avoid risky situations. Here are five to be aware of. <br> <br> <strong>1. Cargo Theft Resulting from Surveillance</strong>. Thieves will follow trucks leaving distribution centers or manufacturing plants to a truck stop and break in while drivers take a break. They may work in teams with a spotter at the plant alerting teams waiting ahead. In some cases, thieves have been tipped off by insiders at the manufacturer or by others who work for the carrier. <br> <strong>2. Cargo Theft Instigated by Fake Emergencies</strong>. A common gambit is to fake a breakdown to get drivers to stop to help. Once they do, thieves will either break into a trailer while the driver is distracted or just hijack the truck. Individuals posing as authorities may distract or detain drivers while conspirators empty the unsuspecting drivers’ load. <br> <strong>3. Cargo Theft Helped by Dark, Isolated Parking</strong>. Unlit, unmonitored truck stops, and parking areas provide criminals with opportunities to steal some or all of a load. In brazen attacks, trailer contents will be emptied directly into another trailer pulled alongside. Be picky about where you park. Consult the Trucker Path App to find trusted parking areas. <br> <strong>4. Cargo Theft Facilitated by Poorly Supervised Yards</strong>. Thieves will steal whole trailers dropped in unmonitored yards. An unattended trailer and an unrestricted getaway make for a tempting target, especially if criminals have performed surveillance and know the details of a drop trailer operation. <br> <strong>5. Cargo Theft Perpetrated by Fake Drivers and Documents</strong>. Some sophisticated operations involve fake drivers showing up early for scheduled pickups. Falsified bills of lading and even fake uniforms have been used to complete the deception. These days overcommunicating with shippers and confirming every detail—especially who will be picking up their load—is more important than ever. <br> <br> With the always-evolving methods and schemes of freight thieves, it pays to be suspicious and stay aware. Always be on the lookout for people following you or watching you whether you’re resting or on the road. And stay informed of current risks and recent thefts. By tapping into the <a href="">Trucker Path App</a> you can learn of suspicious activity constantly being shared by other users. <br> <br> <br> <strong>Know the Statistics to Avoid Becoming a Statistic</strong> <br> <br> Some days have a lower risk of cargo theft than others. According to the <a href="">Overhaul United States & Canada: Annual Theft Report 2024</a>, the lowest number of thefts occur on Sunday (10%) followed by Saturday (11%). Friday has the highest number of cargo thefts (19%) and Thursday has the second highest number (17%). <br> <br> Avoid the witching hours for cargo theft of 12 AM to 6 AM when 29% of heists occur. The likelihood of being ripped off drops to 23% from 6 AM to noon. From 6 PM to midnight is another good time to drive when your likelihood of a cargo theft again drops to 23%. <br> <br> Be aware of where heists are more likely to happen. According to Overhaul, the most thefts (33%) occur at a warehouse or DC. 23% happen at unsecured parking, and 13% take place at a truck stop or fuel station. Three states have the highest percentage of cargo thefts. California is the scene of 32% of cargo thefts, Texas accounts for 19% and Tennessee has 14% of the activity. Other states ranking high in cargo thefts include Pennsylvania, Georgia, Illinois, Arizona, New York, Louisiana, and Florida. <br> <br> It’s important to know what you’re hauling, too. According to Overhaul’s report, certain product types are more likely to be targeted by thieves. Electronics are the target of 24% of thefts, alcohol 15%, and food & beverages, auto parts, and home & garden merchandise are tied at 10%. Experts say it’s not the high-ticket prices that always draw the most interest. Food and beverage loads are popular because they’re easily resold and hard to trace. <br> <br> <br> <strong>What You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Cargo</strong> <br> <br> The best practices for preventing your freight from being stolen include hyper-awareness, anti-theft hardware, and technologies for tracking and security. <br> <br> <strong>The Rule of 250</strong> <br> Basic rules of safety include driving 250 miles after leaving a pickup point before taking a rest stop. That’s enough distance to shake thieves who might be tailing you. Look for stalking vehicles or watchers at pickup, en route and once you stop. <br> <br> <strong>Hyper Habits</strong> <br> Drivers are especially vulnerable when they’re entering or exiting the cab, so be hyper-aware and avoid distractions. When parking overnight, find high-traffic, well-lit spots. <br> <br> <strong>Alarm Yourself</strong> <br> Consider installing alarm systems that include sensors placed on multiple entry points. Loud sirens and horns will scare thieves and alert people nearby. Good options include smartphone notifications just in case you’re out of earshot when your truck’s alarm goes off. Leveraging telematics to alert dispatchers or fleet managers of trailer breaches provides an additional layer of protection. <br> <br> <strong>Thwarting Strategies</strong> <br> Hardware like gladhand locks that prevent thieves from moving a trailer, kingpin locks that prevent unauthorized tractors from hooking up trailers, and air cuff locks that cover mounted airbrake valves slow thieves down. Just backing against a fence or other barrier to prevent anyone from opening the trailer door serves the same purpose of buying time and causing frustration. <br> <br> <strong>Software Advantages</strong> <br> On the road, reliable trip planning software can help drivers to avoid high risk areas. The Trucker Path App guides drivers to truck-ready routes with safe parking and has the added benefit of information about incidents and suspicious activity constantly being crowd-sourced by other drivers. <br> <br> <strong>Tracking Stolen Freight</strong> <br> Fleets operating a transportation management system (TMS) with track and trace capability have the ability toidentify deviations in routing if trailers are stolen or vehicles are hijacked. <a href="">Trucker Path Command</a> is an affordable TMS option that provides track and trace functions as well as navigation features supporting safe, efficient routing. <br> <br> <strong>We All Have a Hand in Preventing Cargo Theft</strong> <br> <br> The advice, “if you see something, say something” applies to truckers more than ever—especially as the incidence of cargo theft and variety of schemes out there for stealing freight continue to grow. Being aware and continuously informed of new threats are the two greatest defenses a driver has. <a href="">Get on the Trucker Path App and get involved today</a>.
Mar 14, 2025
Avoid Falling Prey to Today’s Predatory Towing Practices
It’s easy to see a $100,000 towing hit as a tragedy that only happens to “other” drivers. <br> <br> But thinking you’ll never fall victim to predatory towing practices can be the biggest mistake you make when your truck is disabled in an accident or has a mechanical failure out on the road. <br> <br> Despite the current media attention on the topic of predatory towing and the recent regulations passed that combat predatory practices, drivers must still fend for themselves when the tow truck arrives. Ultimately, the best defense against predatory towing practices is to be informed. <br> <br> <br> <strong>Dismiss the Issue at Your Own Risk</strong> <br> <br> Predatory towing is more than just media hype, a report released in 2023 by the American Transport Research Institute (ATRI) states that 83% of truckers who have been towed experienced excessive rates and 82% experienced unwarranted service charges. <br> <br> The issue is nationwide and predatory towing practices occur out on deserted highways as well as city streets today. <br> <br> The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association tells of a member-company that received a towing charge of $100,386 that included a 5% administrative fee of $4,463. <br> <br> A trucker in Chicago received a $75,000 bill for towing after a bridge strike. According to the IA Insurance Group blog, the “low bridge” sign had been suspiciously removed and an unsolicited tow truck appeared not long after the accident occurred. <br> <br> Exorbitant rates and unwanted services are only part of the problem. Towing companies have the ability to impound tractors, trailers and freight until payment is made. Not only do carriers suffer the loss of business, but they may also be forced to pay storage fees that grow every day that payment is delayed. <br> <br> <br> <strong>Perpetrators Exploit the Gaps in Regulations and Industry Standards</strong> <br> <br> Today tow truck companies’ pricing and practices remain largely unregulated at the federal level and unchecked by national industry standards. <br> <br> It’s not for lack of trying. In 2024 the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration urged the Federal Trade Commission to establish regulations preventing hidden or misleading fees charged by towing companies and five states passed new laws meant to prevent abusive billing practices used by towers. <br> <br> Even with these developments, unscrupulous tow truck operators still find ways to take advantage of drivers. The conditions are often ripe for abuse when there’s no competition, expensive equipment and specialized expertise are required, and conditions are chaotic and stressful. <br> <br> <br> <strong>Beware the Top 8 Predatory Towing Practices from ATRI</strong> <br> <br> 1. Excessive hourly or per-pound rates <br> 2. Unwarranted additional services or labor charges <br> 3. Excessive storage rates <br> 4. Vehicle release delays or access prevention <br> 5. Cargo release delays <br> 6. Damage caused by the towing company personnel and equipment <br> 7. Vehicle seizure without cause <br> 8. Misreporting nonconsensual tows as consensual <br> <br> <br> <strong>Carriers Should Be Prepared Before Hitting the Road</strong> <br> <br> Know what your insurance covers in terms of towing, roadside assistance and vehicle storage. Knowing your coverage aids decision-making in the event of an incident. <br> <br> If you run regularly in certain lanes, look into establishing relationships with tow truck companies serving those lanes. Doing so can enable you to preset prices and facilitate quick responses. <br> <br> Knowing what fair prices are in the first place can help carriers contest or reject inflated estimates for services. Fees for truck towing services vary by geography, conditions and the work required. Nevertheless, having ballpark figures can help drivers know if a fee sounds fair. ATRI provides this guidance: <br> <br> <br> <strong>Median Rates and Excessive Rate Thresholds for Towing</strong> <br> <br> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="858" height="491" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7573" /></a> <br> <br> <br> <strong>Protect Yourself from Predatory Towing Practices</strong> <br> <br> • Establish protocols for tows. After ensuring their own safety, drivers should have a list of steps to take that may include alerting their dispatcher or manager, calling local law enforcement authorities, and conferring with a dispatcher or manager on towing decisions. <br> <br> • Get it in writing. Follow up by email on what was agreed to over the phone immediately after talking to the tow company. Have them reply with their confirmation. <br> <br> • Check documentation. Ask for the tow truck company’s business license and confirm their credentials when they arrive before accepting assistance. <br> <br> • Document everything. Teach drivers to take pictures and videos at the scene of the incident of their vehicle’s position, all damages, and any fluid spills. Instruct them to take pictures of and make notes of the personnel dispatched to the scene by the trucking company and all the equipment and materials they use. <br> <br> • Don’t sign anything. According to attorneys, Adam Brand and Shahan Kapitanyan of Brand & Tapply LLC in Trucking Dive, towing and recovery companies may ask drivers to sign documents at the scene such as assignment of rights and agreements to rates. But there is no requirement that these be signed and they recommend drivers not sign any documents. <br> <br> • Call the police. Make sure they come to the scene so you can obtain an accident report. You may ask them to recommend a good local towing company but be sure and perform your due diligence on their recommendation. <br> <br> • Choose your tow. Drivers may have the opportunity to name their towing and recovery company. Encourage drivers or dispatchers to find a local trucking association and ask them to recommend a towing company. <br> <br> • Question coincidences. Inform drivers to be suspicious of tow truck drivers that appear to have been waiting close by to come to the rescue. Scamming tow operators sometimes take advantage of unmarked low bridges or other hazards to swoop down on rattled drivers. <br> <br> • Ask for an itemized invoice. You need the ability to spot duplicate or frivolous charges and confirm the actual service occurred. Also an itemized breakdown enables you to cross-check the charges with standard fees. (See above.) <br> <br> <br> <strong>Know Before You Tow</strong> <br> <br> <br> Awareness of the risks and the best practices for mitigating them is the first and most important step when it comes to protecting yourself from the potential financial hit and hassles of predatory towing practices. <br> <br> <br> Spread the word by sharing this article with your company or your social network.
Feb 20, 2025
Trucker Path community ranks Top Truck Stops 2025
<b>PHOENIX – January 23, 2025 –</b> Trucker Path, the most comprehensive and most relied upon mobile app for North American truckers, announced today their annual ranking of truck stops based on offerings and customer service. The nation’s top truck stop chains and independent facilities were chosen by over 1 million drivers using the Trucker Path app. <br> <br> “The best of the best truck stops earn that recognition from their customers,” said Chris Oliver, CMO at Trucker Path. “This well-deserved accomplishment means that the 2025 winners stood out for their range of offerings and their dedication to customer service among the more than 9,000 truck stops and about 10,000 additional fueling locations on the Trucker Path app. We are pleased to showcase the nation’s top facilities for truck drivers as part of our mission to help make truckers’ lives on the road easier and more comfortable.” <br> <br> In 2025, the overall winner of the Top 100 Truck Stops and Top 5 Independent Truck Stops recognition is the Tiffin River Service Plaza at Milepost 20.8 Eastbound on the Ohio Turnpike. Part of a network of 14 Ohio Turnpike service plazas located approximately every 30 to 50 miles, the Tiffin River Service Plaza features a Truckers Lounge with easy access from the facility’s 110-space commercial truck parking lot, separate restrooms and complimentary showers, coin-operated washers and dryers, and Touch & Win Ohio Lottery EZ Play video gaming terminals. The truck stop also accepts a range of fuel and fleet cards. <br> <br> “Every day of the year, 24 hours a day, Ohio Turnpike Service Plazas are open to give truck drivers the best possible experience on the road,” said Ferzan M. Ahmed, P.E., executive director of the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission. “We are proud that the Tiffin River location has been recognized by drivers as the number 1 location in the nation for safe, clean facilities and services that truckers value.” <br> <br> For its annual Top Truck Stops ranking, Trucker Path gathered in-app ratings and reviews over the past 12 months to determine the Top 100. The Top 5 lists of truck stops include the chain and independent locations with the highest ratings in their respective categories. Drivers across the nation can look for Trucker Path Top 100 Truck Stops, which display a window decal honoring the locations for their place in the annual ranking. <br> <br> <b>Top 5 Independent Truck Stops</b> <br> <br> 1<sup>st</sup> Place – Ohio Turnpike Tiffin River Service Plaza, West Unity, Ohio <br> <br> 2<sup>nd</sup> Place – Stones Truck Stop, Watertown, South Dakota <br> <br> 3<sup>rd</sup> Place – Truck Stop Sunoco, Grantsville, Maryland <br> <br> 4<sup>th</sup> Place – Rainbow Trucker's Lounge, West Wendover, Nevada <br> <br> 5<sup>th</sup> Place – Rascal's Shop Rite Travel Plaza, Rayne, Louisiana <br> <br> <b>Top 5 Chain Truck Stops</b> <br> <br> 1<sup>st</sup> Place – Kwik Trip #796, Tomah, Wisconsin <br> <br> 2<sup>nd</sup> Place – Kwik Trip #1260, Roberts, Wisconsin <br> <br> 3<sup>rd</sup> Place – Flying J Travel Center #1403, Idaho Falls, Idaho <br> <br> 4<sup>th</sup> Place – Love’s Travel Stop #581, Salina, Utah <br> <br> 5<sup>th</sup> Place – Kwik Trip #1197, Belmont, Wisconsin <br> <br> “We are incredibly honored to receive this award. This recognition reflects our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional guest service, having quality offerings, and a welcoming environment for the truck drivers who stop at our stores,” said Ben Leibe, Public Relations Specialist at Kwik Trip Inc. “This recognition also stems from Trucker Path’s unique ability to connect us with nearly one million drivers on a daily basis.” <br> <br> <br> <br> <b>Overall Top 10 Truck Stops</b> <br> <br> 1<sup>st</sup> Place – Ohio Turnpike Tiffin River Service Plaza, West Unity, Ohio <br> <br> 2<sup>nd</sup> Place – Stones Truck Stop, Watertown, South Dakota <br> <br> 3<sup>rd</sup> Place – Truck Stop Sunoco, Grantsville, Maryland <br> <br> 4<sup>th</sup> Place – Rainbow Trucker's Lounge, West Wendover, Nevada <br> <br> 5<sup>th</sup> Place – Kwik Trip #796, Tomah, Wisconsin <br> <br> 6<sup>th</sup> Place – Kwik Trip #1260, Roberts, Wisconsin <br> <br> 7<sup>th </sup>Place – Flying J Travel Center #1403, Idaho Falls, Idaho <br> <br> 8<sup>th</sup> Place – Love’s Travel Stop #581, Salina, Utah <br> <br> 9<sup>th </sup>Place – Kwik Trip #1197, Belmont, Wisconsin <br> <br> 10<sup>th</sup> Place – Love’s Travel Stop #734, Randlett, Oklahoma <br> <br> <br> <br> <b>ABOUT TRUCKER PATH <br> </b>Phoenix-based Trucker Path is the provider of a wide range of truck driver-centric mobility products. The Trucker Path app is currently used regularly by over 1 million professional truck drivers. Offering best-in-class navigation with truck-safe routing, the Trucker Path app also provides access to vital up-to-date information about truck stops, real-time parking availability, fuel prices and discounts, weigh station statuses, and truck scales and wash locations. The<a href=""> Trucker Path Marketplace</a> offers an expansive list of products and services that fulfill the company's commitment to helping truckers reduce costs and make life on the road a little easier. The company also offers TruckLoads, a digital freight exchange that connects drivers, carriers and brokers; and COMMAND™, the industry’s first and only Operations & Driver Relationship (ODR) platform that provides small to mid-size fleets with the necessary driver and TMS technologies to successfully run a fleet. For more information, visit <a href=""></a>. <br> <br> <b>Media Contact:</b> <br> <br> Susan Fall <br> <br> LaunchIt Public Relations <br> <br> 619-890-9415 <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href=""><img class="alignleft wp-image-7559 size-full" src="" alt="" width="923" height="3020" /></a>
Jan 23, 2025
Prevent a Bridge Strike with These Insights
Ribbon-candy sheet metal curls strafed the top of the trailer impossibly wedged beneath the bridge supporting the four tracks of the Northeast Corridor rail line. Head still rattling from the jolt of tractor coming to a violent stop, the truck driver relived the explosion of the impact followed by the metal-on-metal shriek that seemed like it would never end. Bridge strikes like this happen hundreds of times a day across America. Regardless of the notoriety of sites like <a href="">Davenport, Iowa’s “truck eating bridge”</a> and despite efforts to warn drivers, they continue to occur. The costs to carriers, their insurers and bridge owners can be staggering. Trailers worth $20K or more are almost always totaled and cargo is often lost. In cases where bridges are structurally damaged, repair costs can be anywhere from $500K to $1M, says Ted Kniazewycz, director of the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s structures division in <a href=""><i>Stateline.</i></a> Drivers take a hit too. Physical injuries are possible, but the most likely damage is loss of employment, revocation of CDL or OOS stints if there are prior accidents, and/or considerable hikes in insurance premiums down the line. It’s every driver, carrier or bridge-owner’s nightmare to see a truck strike a bridge. But there are 13,000-18,000 of them a year, according to the <a href="">National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.</a> Many bridges are already in a fragile state. The <a href="">American Road & Transportation Builders Association</a> estimates 36% of U.S bridges are in need of major repairs or replacement. The potential for causing catastrophic damage that leads to death, injury and closure of a critical highway or rail line grows as America’s bridges decline. The good news is that bridge strikes are 100% avoidable—but truckers, authorities, and communities must do their part. The starting point for truckers is to know your truck height. Most 53-foot dry trailers are 13 feet 6 inches high, but there can be variations. A heavy cargo compresses the suspension and lowers trailer height. Additionally, trailers with air suspension systems have leeway that allows for trailer height to be adjusted to ride lower to pass under bridges. Tire size can be a factor. The difference between larger or smaller tires can mean several inches in height for a trailer. Tire pressure affects trailer height as well. Inspecting trailer height is part of the pre-trip inspection and the requirement to do a walk around the tractor and trailer to ensure the vehicle is safe and compliant. It’s critical for flatbed trailers carrying oversized loads to be measured to ensure they can fit safely under bridges. It is recommended to keep the height of trailers posted in plain sight on the dashboard, especially in leased or shared tractors. Having it marked on the outside of the trailer doesn’t allow quick reference when you’re approaching a bridge and need confirmation. Avoiding bridge strikes is about knowing your truck height as well as the bridge hazards so you can completely avoid them. Route planning by drivers and/or dispatchers is the key to knowing low clearances before you find yourself in the position of only just learning a bridge height once it’s too late. Consulting state-specific roadmaps and checking into suspicious clearances ahead of time pays off. The best option is to use a GPS system specifically designed for truckers for route planning and navigation. Today’s apps can account for your truck height, weight and any restrictions like hazmat that may apply. The best apps provide trucker-relevant information regarding road closures and detours that could force drivers to take unexpected routes that have low bridges. Tools like the <a href="">TruckerPath Navigation Tool</a> tap into a deep data pool that’s constantly updated to guide you to a route that avoids low clearances. Authorities, communities and bridge owners are wise to do whatever possible to alert drivers through clearance warning signs placed early and often as well as signs directing truckers along alternate routes. Clanker balls—hanging objects that strike over-height vehicles—are one of the most forceful ways to prevent bridge strikes. Smart bridge owners are also leveraging technologies using lasers or sensors to detect over-height trucks and sound an alarm or flash lights to warn off truckers. Truckers are wise to exercise a heightened awareness to “no trucks” signs or other clues and augment awareness with onboard technology. Systems are available that deliver a voice alert to drivers or disable the vehicles throttle to idle when their tractor is approaching a low clearance. Bridge strikes are preventable, but only when carriers and communities work together. There will always be times when truckers find themselves on unfamiliar roads. Communities have a responsibility to help guide and protect the drivers who deliver for them every day. <a href=" PM.png"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-7549" src=" PM.png" alt="" width="841" height="903" /></a>
Dec 13, 2024
Roadside Assistance Offers Trucker Path Users Peace of Mind
<em> services are now available in the Trucker Path Marketplace.</em> <strong>PHOENIX – June 19, 2024</strong> – Trucker Path, the most comprehensive and relied upon mobile app for North American truckers, today announced that emergency roadside assistance programs from (RSM) are now available on the Trucker Path Marketplace. “Roadside assistance powered by is one of the latest ways we’re helping users of the Trucker Path app,” said Chris Oliver, CMO at Trucker Path. “Through the Trucker Path Marketplace, they can now access cost-effective on-demand emergency roadside coverage for vehicles within the U.S. and Canada. “For owner-operators, drivers, and fleets, these programs help ensure vehicles get moving as quickly as possible after a breakdown occurs,” Oliver added. All of the benefits of RSM commercial vehicle emergency roadside assistance programs are available to Trucker Path app users through the Trucker Path Marketplace for a discounted rate of $39.99 per month per truck. Users can subscribe and manage their membership directly within the Trucker Path app. Roadside assistance is provided through a proprietary vendor network comprising over 40,000 service providers across North America. "At, the nation's premier mechanical breakdown program, we are thrilled to collaborate with Trucker Path, the leading mobile app trusted and relied upon by truckers nationwide because it’s a natural synergy," remarked Jason Cohen, CEO of "Breakdowns can occur unexpectedly, inevitably. Our commitment is to deliver 24/7 emergency assistance, skilled repairs, and assurance to Trucker Path users, minimizing downtime and expenses in the event of roadside incidents or breakdowns." Since launching Trucker Path Marketplace in January 2023, Trucker Path has continued its commitment to fulfill its mission to support truck drivers and make their lives on the road easier and more efficient. With the addition of roadside assistance from RSM, the Marketplace now offers drivers: ● Financial Services including Small Business Financing by <a href="">Lendio</a> ● Discounted Reserve Parking by We Realize ● Spot Cargo Insurance by MiKargo247 ● Health Insurance Options by Smart and Simple Insurance Development (SASid) ● Discounted Tax and Accounting Services by ATBS ● Discounts on Truck Accessories by CV Specialties ● Roadside Assistance programs by (RSM) For more information, visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>. <strong>About Trucker Path</strong> Phoenix-based Trucker Path provides a wide range of truck driver-centric mobility products. The Trucker Path app is currently used regularly by nearly 1 million professional truck drivers. Offering best-in-class navigation with truck-optimized routing, the Trucker Path app also provides access to up-to-date information about truck stops, real-time parking availability, fuel prices, and discounts, weigh station statuses, truck scales, and wash locations. The company also offers TruckLoads, a digital freight exchange that connects drivers, carriers, and brokers; and COMMAND™, the industry’s first and only Operations & Driver Relationship (ODR) platform that provides small to mid-size fleets with the necessary driver and TMS technologies to run a fleet successfully. For more information, visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>. <strong>About</strong> Evolving into the foremost heavy-duty emergency roadside assistance membership for commercial vehicles, stands as a beacon of reliability. Boasting the most comprehensive array of benefits tailored for commercial drivers, we pledge unwavering commitment to quality service, accessible 24/7. In partnership with our affiliates, strives to simplify and enhance roadside assistance for the nation's commercial vehicles. For further details, please visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>. Media Contact: Susan Fall LaunchIt Public Relations 619-890-9415
Jun 19, 2024
Safety Protocols in Material Handling for Truck Drivers
<p>Material handling is an essential component of the logistics and transportation sectors, particularly for truck drivers, who have a crucial responsibility for efficiently and securely transferring cargo. Adhering to appropriate safety procedures while handling materials not only safeguards the drivers but also reduces the likelihood of accidents, injuries, and harm to goods. This article explains the crucial safety rules that truck drivers must follow in material handling, with a specific emphasis on the utilization of <a href="" target="_blank">gravity conveyors</a>. </p> <p><strong>1. Pre-Trip Inspections</strong> </p> Prior to commencing any journey, truck drivers should perform comprehensive pre-trip inspections. This entails inspecting the state of the vehicle, including its brakes, <a href="" target="_blank">tires</a>, lights, and other essential components. Maintaining the truck's optimal condition can mitigate mechanical malfunctions that may lead to mishaps when handling materials. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="510" height="383" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7511" /></a> Image by <a href="" target="_blank">Freepik</a> </p> <p><strong>2. Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)</strong> </p> Truck drivers are required to utilize suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when dealing with materials. This entails donning gloves, safety glasses, steel-toed footwear, and high-visibility vests. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) plays a vital role in safeguarding individuals from potential dangers, including sharp edges, heavy objects, and situations with low visibility. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="510" height="383" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7496" /></a> Image by <a href="">Freepik</a> </p> <p><strong>3. Safe Loading and Unloading Practices</strong> </p> <p>Loading and unloading are hazardous procedures that are prone to numerous accidents. When utilizing gravity conveyors, it is important to include extra safety measures: </p> <p>● Make sure you install the conveyor in a flat and stable area and firmly fasten it to the truck or loading dock to avoid any displacement. </p> <p>● Ensure that the gravity conveyor is devoid of any faults and operating efficiently. </p> <p>● Employ stops or brakes on the conveyor system to regulate the velocity of materials and avert their uncontrolled displacement. </p> <p>● Prioritize the loading of larger objects initially to ensure stability and balance on the conveyor. </p> <p>Drivers must also verify that the truck is parked in a flat area, the brakes are on, and the load is evenly distributed to avoid the truck tipping or the cargo shifting during transportation. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="494" height="329" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7497" /></a> Image by <a href="">Freepik</a> </p> <p><strong>4. Understanding Load Limits</strong> </p> <p>Truck drivers must possess knowledge of their vehicle's load capacity and never surpass it. Exceeding the weight limit of a truck can result in the driver losing control, the brakes malfunctioning, and the vehicle experiencing greater damage and deterioration. Efficiently controlling the weight of the cargo guarantees improved handling and enhanced safety during transportation. Similarly, it is important to adhere to the load restrictions of the gravity conveyor in order to prevent any potential structural failure. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="478" height="307" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7498" /></a> Image by <a href="">Freepik</a> </p> <p><strong>5. Ensuring Load Safety</strong> </p> <p>Ensuring the proper fastening of loads is essential to avoid any displacement during transportation. Unrestrained cargo can move, causing vehicle instability and even accidents. Motorists should utilize straps, ropes, and load bars to fasten and stabilize materials. Frequently monitoring the load during transportation can also aid in promptly detecting any possible problems. When utilizing gravity conveyors, it is important to guarantee that things are firmly positioned and will not dislodge or roll off throughout the handling process. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="536" height="358" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7499" /></a> Image by <a href="">Vecteezy</a> </p> <p><strong>6. Ergonomic Practices</strong> </p> <p>Truck drivers frequently perform manual handling jobs that have the potential to cause musculoskeletal injury. Implementing ergonomic measures, such as utilizing leg muscles instead of the back for lifting, refraining from twisting movements during lifting, and employing mechanical assistance whenever possible, will greatly diminish the likelihood of sustaining injuries. Gravity conveyors can mitigate physical exertion by facilitating the movement of items with less manual labor; however, it is crucial to employ correct technique to prevent injury. </p> <p>The picture below shows how holding a load changes a person's balance by showing how the center of gravity and line of gravity move. Center of gravity is where the body's (or an object's) weight is evenly spread. For a standing person, this is usually around the middle. The line of gravity is a made-up straight line that goes from the center of gravity to the ground. People usually put their weight on the spot between their feet when they stand. This is their base of support. The person must be able to keep their balance if their center of gravity is above their base of support and their line of gravity falls inside their base of support. </p> <p>The center of gravity of the person and the load move when they carry it, especially when it is far away from their body. This can make it harder to balance and stay stable. When someone is standing without anything on their back, their center of gravity is in the middle of their body, and their line of gravity goes inside their base of support. This makes for a stable and balanced position. When you hold something close to your body, your total center of gravity stays at the base of support. This helps you stay balanced and stable. Holding a load away from the body, on the other hand, moves the combined center of gravity forward. This could make the person unstable and increase the chance that they will lose their balance and fall. </p> <p>It is important to keep the combined center of gravity within the base of support by holding loads close to the body. This will help you stay balanced and reduce the risk of injury. When you move the weight away from your body, your combined center of gravity goes forward. This makes you less stable and increases your risk of falling and muscle strain, especially in your lower back. Understanding these ideas is important for ergonomics and workplace safety, because using the right lifting methods can greatly lower the risk of musculoskeletal injuries that are common in jobs that require lifting heavy things by hand. These ideas can help you keep your balance when doing normal things like carrying food or moving furniture. They can also lower your risk of injury, make you more stable, and improve your long-term musculoskeletal health. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="579" height="290" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7500" /></a> Image from <a href="">Creative Commons</a> </p> <p><strong>7. Awareness of Surroundings</strong> </p> <p>Situational awareness is a key part of avoiding accidents. When driving, one should be extremely aware of their surroundings, including other vehicles, pedestrians, and any potential hazards on the road or at the site where products are being loaded or unloaded. Using mirrors and, if available, backup cameras can help you see better and stay safer. While using gravity conveyors, it is important to make sure that there are no obstacles in the area around the conveyor and that everyone knows how it works. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="572" height="380" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7501" /></a> Image by <a href="">Vecteezy</a> </p> <p><strong>8. Communication</strong> </p> <p>It's very important that everyone involved in moving the materials can talk to each other clearly. This includes communicating with warehouse staff, other drivers, and dispatchers. Good communication cuts down on false information and makes sure that everyone knows what their tasks are and what risks might be involved. When using gravity conveyors, communicate with colleagues about the movement of materials to coordinate efforts and avoid accidents. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="549" height="412" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7502" /></a> Image by <a href="">Vecteezy</a> </p> <p><strong>9. Adherence to Regulations</strong> </p> <p>Truck drivers are required to abide by safety regulations and laws set forth by organizations like the <a href="" target="_blank">Department of Transportation (DOT)</a> and the <a href="" target="_blank">Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)</a>. To maintain a high level of safety, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest laws and best practices. In this case, following rules that are especially made for using machines for moving things would be included. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="533" height="400" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7503" /></a> Image by <a href="">Vecteezy</a> </p> <p><strong>10. Continuous Training</strong> </p> <p>Truck drivers need to keep learning about safety rules and techniques, so they need to get training and guidance all the time. Some of the things that might be covered in regular training sessions are getting used to new tools, following new rules, and using current safety measures. In order to make sure that gravity conveyors are used safely and effectively, they must be properly maintained and used with the right training classes. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="624" height="473" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7504" /></a> Image by <a href="">Vecteezy</a> </p> <p>Truck drivers must strictly follow specified rules when handling materials to guarantee their safety and the safety of others. When utilized properly, gravity conveyors can increase productivity and safety in operations, but they also need to be set up and maintained properly. Risks can be reduced by incorporating safety procedures such as load fastening, PPE use, and pre-trip checks. Constant training improves safety by keeping drivers informed about new developments in technology and best practices. Setting these rules as a top priority promotes a safer workplace and helps the transportation sector become more dependable and effective. </p>
Jun 06, 2024
Highest-Rated Major US Trucking Corridors
<p>We ranked the major US trucking corridors of 2023 based on parking availability, truck stop ratings, and fuel prices. Below is what we found. </p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="594" height="1140" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7476" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="596" height="598" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7491" /></a>
Jun 05, 2024
Trucker Path Users Can Now Save Up To 80% on Prescriptions
<p><em>Popular Truck-Safe Navigation App Adds the Trucker Path Discount Prescription Card to its Growing Marketplace</em> </p> <p><strong>PHOENIX – May 29, 2024</strong> – Trucker Path, the most comprehensive and relied upon mobile app for North American truckers, today announced that its users can get discounts on prescriptions using the Trucker Path Discount Prescription Card now available for free to app users via the Trucker Path Marketplace. </p> <p>“The million professional truck drivers who rely upon the Trucker Path app can now save on their prescription medications for free,” said Chris Oliver, CMO at Trucker Path. “We’ve already helped volumes of drivers find affordable health coverage via <a href=""></a>. With this new offering they can now start saving up to 80% on prescriptions today. It’s just another way Trucker Path is addressing the everyday needs of the commercial truck drivers we all rely upon.” </p> <p>The Trucker Path Discount Prescription Card also includes an online pharmacy locator to accommodate truckers while at home or on the road. There is no cost to receive the card or access discounted prices. The card can be used at more than 65,000 pharmacies across the U.S., including CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Kroger, and Albertsons drug store locations. </p> <p>Other benefits of the Trucker Path Discount Prescription Card include: </p> <p>● Coverage for almost all medications. </p> <p>● A look-up feature to find medications and discounted prices before members go to the pharmacy. </p> <p>● No requirement to provide personal information. </p> <p>● Simple, easy-to-use online ordering by submitting the savings card and your prescription to a participating pharmacy. </p> <p>“Partnering with Trucker Path to offer drivers discounted prescriptions helps fulfill our shared commitment to help truckers reduce costs,” said Greg Helmich, vice president of insurance at SASid, the nationally licensed insurance provider representing the many health care options offered to Trucker Path users. “We’re proud to be a part of improving life on the road for users of the Trucker Path app.” </p> <p>Combined with Trucker Path/Teladoc telehealth programs, drivers can now access doctors, pharmacies, and discounted prescriptions while on the road. </p> <p>For more information: <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>. </p> <p><strong>About Trucker Path</strong> </p> <p>Phoenix-based Trucker Path is the provider of a wide range of truck driver-centric mobility products. The Trucker Path app is currently used regularly by nearly 1 million professional truck drivers. Offering best-in-class navigation with truck-optimized routing, the Trucker Path app also provides access to vital up-to-date information about truck stops, real-time parking availability, fuel prices and discounts, weigh station statuses, and truck scales and wash locations. The company also offers TruckLoads, a digital freight exchange that connects drivers, carriers and brokers; and COMMAND™, the industry’s first and only Operations & Driver Relationship (ODR) platform that provides small to mid-size fleets with the necessary driver and TMS technologies to successfully run a fleet. For more information, visit </p> <p><strong>Media Contact:</strong> </p> <p>Susan Fall </p> <p>LaunchIt Public Relations </p> <p>858-490-1050 </p> <p> </p>
May 29, 2024
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