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Jan 26, 2023
How Often Do Truckers Prefer To Return Home? How Often Do They Actually Return Home?
How Truck Route Optimization Can Improve Your Fleet’s Productivity and Driver Safety
<p>Truck drivers provide an essential service around the world. They are the ones that hit the road for several hours at a time, even days, to transport critical goods that consumers need, from medicine to food and clothing. Yet, life on the road is not easy. It can be a lonely life, rife with risk and quite gruelling. The nature of the job requires drivers to be mentally and physically strong and capable of driving and being attentive for many miles without falling asleep behind the wheel. A person needs a lot of stamina to stay awake after driving for several hours at a time, which can be pretty taxing </p> <p>While the job certainly has its bonuses and benefits, the fact remains that being a truck driver means facing specific challenges unique to the trucking industry.</p> <p>If you are an employer in the trucking industry, driver safety ought to be your top priority. Every time your drivers climb into one of your fleet vehicles, they risk their physical wellbeing and even their lives, as well as that of other drivers and pedestrians. </p> <p>According to the <a href= "">US Department of Transportation's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)</a>, large trucks accounted for 8.9% of the vehicles in fatal crashes in 2020, with 4,842 large trucks involved in fatal crashes. The good news for the industry is that means 91% of the vehicles involved in fatal crashes were not large trucks. Nevertheless, with grim statistics like these, ensuring the safety of your drivers is a pertinent responsibility that your organization cannot afford to ignore. </p> <p>Not only is it in the best interests of your driver's wellbeing, but it is also important for the profitability and sustainability of your trucking company. Route planning software enables you to improve your truck driver safety while also improving efficiency and productivity. </p> <p><strong>Challenges truck drivers face.</strong> </p> <p>Truck drivers spend most of their time on the road travelling from state to state, city to city, and people often don't appreciate how challenging this can be. Truck parking is continuously ranked as one of truck drivers' main challenges. Struggling to find available truck parking can create dangerous situations for drivers, forcing them to drive beyond their available HOS time in search of a suitable place to park. Paying overnight fees or wasting fuel getting to a truck stop to spend the night is not ideal for drivers, and with traditional truck and rest stops filling up quickly, truckers often have no other option but to park in potentially dangerous locations. </p> <p>Similarly, finding other amenities, such as diners and rest stops, grab a bite to eat, or rehydrate, can be a challenge - especially when driving through a place you are unfamiliar with. Dehydration, in particular, poses a problem for truck drivers. When dehydrated, our brain function becomes reserved, leading to issues that impact mental clarity, reaction time, muscle function, and even our mood. Dehydration also affects blood volume causing headaches and dizziness. Proper hydration is vital for driver health and safety, so it is crucial to plan routes ahead of time. Route planning software like Trucker Path can improve efficiency and productivity while, more importantly, keeping drivers safe. </p> <p><strong>How can Trucker Path improve truck driver safety? </strong> </p> <p>Trucker Path began its life as a truck-based navigation similar to many others, using GPS systems to find and plan trucking routes; however, thanks to its community of drivers, the app is consistently updated via millions of crowdsourced contributions that help drivers avoid dangerous travel situations and find suitable stops that meet their needs. Today, Trucker Path is the most relied upon real-truck navigation and mapping app in the trucking industry, with over 1 million monthly active users (MAUs). Built and engineered specifically for the truck driver, Trucker Path prioritizes the safety, comfort and wellbeing of drivers.</p> <p>Trucker Path's real-truck navigation recommends routes to avoid low overpasses, sharp turns, poor roads, and other factors to make the driver's journey safer. </p> <p>The Trucker Path app features all the key places for drivers to stop nationwide, along with ratings and reviews from their fellow truckers. They appreciate the straightforward, informative access to all the points of interest they need and the ability to filter the ones that matter to them most. These include: </p> <ul> <li>Parking</li> <li>Weigh Stations</li> <li>Fuel Stops</li> <li>Truck Washes</li> <li>Truck Stops</li> <li>Rest Areas</li> <li>Truck Scales</li> <li>Repair Shops</li> <li>Restaurants</li> <li>Hotels</li> <li>And much more.</li> </ul> <p>With Trucker Path, drivers can be in control of their journey by planning their route ahead of time or adjusting during their journey.</p> <p><strong>How can Trucker Path improve fleet productivity? </strong> </p> <p>One of the biggest challenges of driving a truck on busy roads, especially in urban areas, is finding a parking place. Drivers can easily waste an <a href= ""> hour a day </a> looking for available parking, wasting time and eating into their available HOS. But with the Trucker Path app, they easily find available parking instead of driving around looking for space, saving valuable time and ensuring driver safety. </p> <p>Fuel expenses are always a drain on profitability, especially with diesel prices and inflation at record levels. When you equip your drivers with Trucker Path, fleet managers can optimize their fuel spending and enjoy cost savings. The process could not be more straightforward. Simply enter the truck's MPG and beginning tank volume in the operator portal. Trucker Path identifies your driver's pre-determined fuel stops and fill levels, ensuring you're always purchasing the cheapest fuel available along the route. </p> <p><strong>Trucker Path for Fleets.</strong> </p> <p>Improved routing efficiency improves every function of your trucking operation, including driver safety. </p> <p>If you're a trucking fleet company looking to equip your drivers with truck-specific navigation, fuel optimization, available parking, and much more, all in an app customized with your branding, Trucker Path For Fleets is the solution for you.</p> <p>You and your drivers will appreciate the safety and productivity benefits Trucker Path provides.</p> <p>Fleet owners can visit our <a href= "">website</a> for more information on how to offer the Trucker Path app to their drivers.</p>
Oct 12, 2022
You’re Only in a Down Market if You Say So.
<p>Trucking rates have fallen substantially, fuel prices are sky high and it takes considerably more time and effort to secure the highest-paying loads out there.</p> <p>These statements are all true.</p> <p>But believing them without gaining the proper perspective can get you in trouble in today’s freight market.</p> <p>Perspective is everything. The stop-and-go traffic in front of you isn’t so bad when your GPS informs you that it’ll only last a quarter of a mile. There’s no need to do anything rash. So just chill and listen to your podcast.</p> <p>Likewise, it’s important to keep today’s freight market in perspective. Otherwise you might make a rash decision or miss the opportunities right in front of you.</p> <p><strong>You’re Only in a Down Market if You Say So.</strong></p> <p>When you hear that rates are down 30%, remind yourself that was from December 2021 when rates were at a historic peak. $3.57 per mile and above was as good as it gets. We were spoiled. Our expectations have gotten out of whack.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Freightwaves National Truckload Index 7 day average" /></p> <p>If we reach back to 2018 and 2019 when most drivers and analysts would agree rates were pretty good, $2 was normal. Spot rates as of September 2022 have hovered around $2.65. For much of 2022, they’ve been 30% above what is considered normal or pretty good by historic standards.</p> <p><strong> Freight Volumes are Up from 2018-2019.</strong></p> <p>No doubt we’ve seen a dramatic decrease in freight volumes over the last year. They’ve dropped 30% as of October 11th, 2022, from their peak on August 22nd of 2021. Ouch, yes. But at the same time, we're still higher than we were in the two years pre-COVID.</p> <p>If you look at the volumes shown in the chart below, you’ll see volumes as of the 11th of October 2022 are 16% higher than they were at the same time in 2019, and they're 18% higher than they were in 2018. The industry was generally happy, or as happy as truckers tend to get anyway, with 2018. If you look at the volume since then, there are ups and downs, but it’s pretty level all the way through until the uptick from COVID when volumes went through the roof.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Outbound Tender Volume Index" /></p> <p>The point to remember is that today’s volumes are still significantly above “normal” pre-COVID levels.</p> <p><strong> How Are Today’s High Fuel Prices Factoring in? </strong></p> <p>Considering that freight volumes are above 2018/2019 norms and rates are, too, shouldn’t we all be making money? Yes and no. The main reason for the no, is that fuel prices are 70% higher than they were in 2019.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Diesel Truck Stop Actual Price Per Gallon" /></p> <p>The jump from the national average of $3.02 a gallon for diesel this time in 2019 to $5.15 as of October 11th, 2022, is having a significant impact on profitability—especially for owner-operators and small fleets. Billy Forkey, Manager at Trucker Path DISPATCH, explains that while large carriers with fuel charges built into their contracts are typically somewhat insulated from the impact of fuel hikes, owner-operators and small fleets aren’t. They’re booking loads off the load board or are working with brokers. It’s a one-time load and a one-time rate with everything built in and there’s no fuel surcharge broken out.</p> <p>The lack of flexibility has added to the challenge of maintaining profitability in today’s market. Forkey says that “With the national average driving rate at right around $2.581 today, and most carriers cost per mile (CPM) floating right around $2.25 to $2.50 per mile, there's just not a whole lot of room for profit there.”</p> <p><strong> Can You Make Money in Today’s Freight Market? </strong></p> <p>There’s money to be made, but it’s not from holding out for the rates of yesteryear or from discovering an overlooked and lucrative lane.</p> <p>According to Forkey, powering through today’s diesel-fueled challenges and maintaining a healthy profit margin all comes down to managing your cost per mile.</p> <p>“If you calculate in the 70% increase in fuel, we're probably closer to that same profit margin as far as cost per mile versus rate per mile (RPM). And then your profit per miles is probably the same,” he says. “To clarify, margins today are like margins most trucking companies were experiencing in 2019. The average cost per mile is up around $.40 - $.50 with today’s fuel price and the RPM is up about $.50 -$.60 per mile. If you calculate the increased cost for parts, labor and maintenance, the profit margins are about the same.”</p> <p>In other words, it is still possible to make money in today’s markets.</p> <p><strong> Where Are the Best Lanes and Rates? </strong></p> <p>Two fallacies that are sure to hurt drivers in today’s freight market are believing that there are magic lanes out there and if you just wait long enough, a nice, high pandemic-priced load will pop up on the load board.</p> <p>Regarding the first fallacy, Forkey warns that there are no honey holes out there and the occasional super-high-paying loads are anomalies. With the exposure on load boards and competition today, rates are naturally evened out and the exceptional dollar figures are snapped up in minutes if they ever exist at all.</p> <p>Believing fallacy number two—that it pays to hold out a few days for a high-paying load—can bleed a driver right out of business. “When a guy waits around for a good paying load and misses three or four days, his fixed costs don't change. His insurance is still the same. His truck payment is still the same. If he's paying his driver's salary, that's still the same. He may save on his variable costs like fuel and maintenance, but he's losing money. He really needs to lower that cost per mile by just putting in more miles,” Forkey says.</p> <p><strong> The Importance of Knowing Cost Per Mile Today.</strong></p> <p>High cost per mile is the force that’s taking down many owner-operators and small fleets in today’s market. Many got into business as high rates peaked. A major problem is that many operating costs also peaked at the same time. Now with the drops in rates, lots of truckers are strained under the weight of big truck and trailer payments, costly insurance policies and a long list of often unforeseen expenses.</p> <p>Knowing your costs, right down to estimated maintenance, depreciation, factoring fees and more is essential to surviving and thriving in today’s market.</p> <p>The other key is understanding that while these costs are fixed, your ability to lower cost per mile isn’t. The truth is the more you drive, the lower your cost per mile.</p> <p>Here’s how Forkey nutshells it: cost per mile depends upon how many miles you actually run. “If you run one mile on your truck and you have $1,000 a month cost, the cost per mile is a thousand bucks. But if you run 100 miles, it's $10. And if you run 1000 miles, it's $1.”</p> <p>The winning strategy is asking how many miles you can get in—and then not being picky.</p> <p><strong> Overcapacity Is a Reality We All Must Face.</strong></p> <p>As long as we’re comparing 2018 and 2019 to today, it’s crucial to point out that there are considerably more trucks in the market now. 50% more than in 2018 and 40% more than 2019. Yes, volumes are up and rates are up since 2018-2019, but there are also more trucks competing for loads.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Total count of Fleets with 1-6 Power Units For Hire" /></p> <p>Many of those new trucks entered the market during the pandemic peak. For these and other owner-operators and small fleets it is a war of attrition fought on the battlefield of cost per mile. Industry publications are predicting a bloodbath, as many new entrants realize that the truck and trailer payments, insurance premiums, fuel costs and low rates are unsustainable, forcing them to leave the market.</p> <p>Forkey believes that maintaining profit margin will be the main challenge in the immediate future, but that the market will correct itself. “It only gets worse before it gets better. And better times are around the corner, maybe a year out, but they're there. They're coming. They always do,” he says.</p> <p><strong>Strategies for Competing Amidst Today’s Overcapacity.</strong></p> <p>Success in the current environment comes down to two words: lane development.</p> <p>Forkey describes it as a combination of building relationships and working the same lanes. In doing so, you can become an expert in that lane. Once you’ve proven yourself, you have an opportunity to push rates up. And once you become known to brokers or shippers in the lane, they start offering you freight.</p> <p>“Really, all you can do is work on lane development and build relationships. Those are the only tools that you have in your bag in this market as a carrier—or get contracted freight. But it's hard to get contracted freight with a 1 to 6 truck fleet,” he says.</p> <p>With 135 freight markets<sup>2</sup> across the U.S., most carriers are located close to a major trucking market that has enough volume to develop a lane. With market understanding and a commitment of time, it can be done.</p> <p>It all hinges on a carrier’s understanding of their cost per mile.</p> <p>For that reason, calculating cost per mile may be the greatest opportunity in trucking today. Get to work on yours. And if you have any questions, our <a href="">dispatch service</a> will be happy to help.</p> <p>1. Freightwaves National Truckload Index, 7 Day Average</p> <p>2. Freightwaves Tracked Markets</p>
Dec 21, 2022
Trucker Path Teams Up With Transport Pro to Expand Load Visibility for Drivers and Fleets
<p><em>Integration allows Transport Pro brokers to seamlessly and instantly post available loads on the TruckLoads digital freight exchange with a single click</em></p> <p><strong> PHOENIX – December 14, 2022 </strong> – Trucker Path, the most comprehensive and most used mobile app for North American truckers, today announced that brokers using the Transport Pro TMS solution can now post loads on the Trucker Path TruckLoads digital freight exchange. The integration with TruckLoads instantly puts available loads in front of Trucker Path’s 1 million + community of drivers.</p> <p>“With the instant access to TruckLoads through our integration with Transport Pro, their brokers can substantially increase exposure to loads,” said Chris Oliver, CMO at Trucker Path. “At the same time, the community of Trucker Path users gains immediate access to more available freight. This integrated capability will help meet capacity needs for brokers, and enhance the ability of drivers and fleets using TruckLoads to easily find loads and generate revenue.”</p> <p>The new integration with Transport Pro allows brokers to opt in to post all of their available loads on TruckLoads with a single click. On the Trucker Path load board, users can lock in capacity instantly and digitally, or communicate directly with the broker to negotiate rates or ask questions which are common practices in today’s spot market. Drivers and carriers can also verify their operating authority and insurance on the platform, simplifying the onboarding process for brokers.</p> <p>“By providing a seamless, automated integration to TruckLoads, Trucker Path enables our brokers to further expand their digital freight network,” said Kenneth Kloeppel, Director of Technology at Transport Pro. “This new integration gives them an additional resource for finding quality capacity and meeting the freight hauling needs of their shipper customers.”</p> <p>The new integration with Transport Pro allows brokers to opt in to post all of their available loads on TruckLoads with a single click. On the Trucker Path load board, users can lock in capacity instantly and digitally, or communicate directly with the broker to negotiate rates or ask questions which are common practices in today’s spot market. Drivers and carriers can also verify their operating authority and insurance on the platform, simplifying the onboarding process for brokers.</p> <strong> About Transport Pro </strong> <p>Transport Pro is a leading cloud-based transportation management software (TMS) that offers cutting-edge technology to fleets, brokers, and 3PLs. As a fully integrated platform, Transport Pro serves as the main hub for all business operations, and helps transportation companies automate the entire lifecycle of a load, from dispatch, imaging, billing, settlements, accounting, and reporting. Leveraging the latest technology, Transport Pro provides brokerages with modern capacity and tracking solutions, and gives trucking companies essential tools to proactively manage drivers, safety, and maintenance. The TMS features powerful, built-in tools that eliminate manual processes, so that teams can focus more on business growth and customer relationships. Easily implemented across multiple locations, Transport Pro is built for transportation companies that are ready to scale their operations. <a href=""> </a></p> <strong> About Trucker Path </strong> <p>Phoenix-based Trucker Path is the provider of a wide range of truck driver-centric mobility products. Its Trucker Path app is currently in use by over 1 million professional truck drivers. Offering best-in-class navigation with truck optimized routing, the Trucker Path app also provides access to vital up-to-date information about truck stops, real-time available parking, fuel prices, weigh station status, and truck scales and wash locations. The company also offers TruckLoads, a digital freight exchange that connects drivers, carriers and brokers; COMMAND™, the industry’s first and only Operations & Driver Relationship (ODR) platform that provides small to mid-size fleets with the necessary driver and TMS technologies to successfully run a fleet; and DISPATCH, a full-service dispatch service designed specifically to serve the back-office needs of small carriers and owner-operators. For more information, visit <a href=""></a></p> <p>Media Contact:</p> <p>Susan Fall</p> <p>LaunchIt Public Relations</p> <p><a href="tel:8584901050">858-490-1050</a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p>
Dec 20, 2022
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