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Apr 05, 2023

The Importance of Health Insurance for Truck Drivers

The Importance of Health Insurance for Truck Drivers

Medical insurance is important and something that everyone should have, especially truck drivers. Many drivers and fleet companies have truck insurance, which covers the trucks and drivers in the case of accidents, fire, theft, and damages to other trucks. However, many companies may not offer their truckers medical insurance, which covers health, dental, vision, and other coverage for the driver and their families.

It is important for truck drivers to have health insurance coverage right from the get-go. Besides being a necessity for most individuals, it’s especially critical for truck drivers considering the many health impacts that they are more likely to develop due to the nature of their occupation.

Different health impacts faced by truck drivers

1. Obesity

Obesity is one of the major health concerns faced by truck drivers, as they are twice as likely to be obese compared to other US workers. One cause is the lack of healthy food choices while on the road (we all deal with today’s huge fast-food culture). The lack of proper exercise is also another contributing factor. Truck drivers often have a sedentary lifestyle as they’re stuck in their seat for most of their day and lack the time for regular exercise. Being obese can also lead to many other related health issues, such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.

2. Respiratory issues

The culture of smoking is extremely prevalent amongst truck drivers; they are twice as likely to smoke compared to other US workers. Many truck drivers pick up smoking as they feel it helps them fight fatigue and boredom on the road. Combined with their continuous exposure to diesel exhaust fumes while driving, truck drivers are very likely to develop lung cancer and other respiratory issues.

3. Sleep disorders and chronic fatigue

Truck drivers often have irregular sleep schedules due to their jobs. Their driving schedules often change depending on weather conditions and traffic. They also face tight deadlines for their deliveries, often requiring late nights or early mornings. This impacts their rest and can lead to chronic fatigue in the long run. Furthermore, the inconsistency of their sleep schedules can also lead to sleep disorders including insomnia and, when coupled with obesity, sleep apnea.

Importance of health insurance for truck drivers

Being away from home more times than not and constantly being on road makes it difficult for truck drivers to schedule regular doctor appointments to check up on their health. Furthermore, many of those without employer health insurance believe it is too expensive and can’t fit it in their budget, thinking they will put it off for another time in the future. In many cases, drivers wait too long to get their health issues checked and get stuck with expensive medical bills.

With proper medical insurance which covers health, dental, and vision, truck drivers can be more comfortable going to the doctor to get checked when they experience any medical issues. Having insurance encourages truck drivers to take care of their health and can reduce the number of accidents that may occur on the road.

Furthermore, for truck drivers, their job stability is quite dependent on their health; if they get a medical condition that impacts their ability to drive, they may lose their job or income. With proper health insurance, truck drivers can be more encouraged to keep up with their wellbeing and ensure they are healthy enough to keep driving and maintaining their livelihood.

Business solutions, such as factoring and accounting, are important for truckers to have, but medical insurance and their health should be a priority. Trucker Path recently announced a partnership with nationally licensed insurance company Smart and Simple Insurance Development (SASid). This partnership aims to make the lives of American truck drivers easier by bringing them a range of affordable insurance options.

For affordable health insurance options for truckers, click here.

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