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Jan 03, 2019

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Truck Drivers

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Truck Drivers

We’re about to head into a new year and the possibilities for 2019 are endless. When one year ends and another begins, it’s the perfect time to think about what kind of changes you want to make in your life and setting some personal or professional goals. Can’t think of anything? We’ve got a list of some great New Year’s resolution suggestions for truck drivers to get you started:

1. Eat intuitively.

You can’t really have a list of New Year’s resolutions without including the most popular one. The holidays are over, the cookies are gone, and most people want to overhaul their eating habits and start a new diet in the new year. Before you start counting calories or sign up for the latest diet fad – both of which can be overwhelming and difficult to maintain long term – focus on intuitive eating and listen to your body’s cues for hunger and fullness. You can read more about intuitive eating here.

2. Move daily.

A commitment to exercising regularly doesn’t have to be a big thing with tons of equipment. Go for a walk or a hike. Live on the edge and turn it into a jog. Buy a small pair of dumbbells or resistance bands to use in your truck. Find a short workout video on YouTube that you like and follow along. The important thing is to get your body moving each day.

3. Promise to speak up.

When you see something suspicious at a truck stop, say something. Truck stops and rest areas can only stay safe places for drivers when we work together to keep them that way. Also think about teaming up with Truckers Against Trafficking to assist law enforcement in recognizing and reporting human trafficking. Become a certified TAT-trained driver to learn more about how you can help combat this crime.

4. Commit to improving your mental health.

Just like your physical health is important, so is your mental health. Think about what you might need to improve your mental health. Set healthy boundaries. Speak kindly to yourself. Resist negative thinking. Meet with a therapist. Find positive ways to de-stress and stay connected to friends and family.

5. Learn a new hobby.

Hobbies are a great way to keep you occupied during breaks and home time. Choose something that’s easy enough to take on the road with you. Photography, for instance, will allow you to practice your budding skills every time your job takes you someplace new. Learn a new language with the help of an audio program or purchase a musical instrument you can practice any time you stop.

6. Read more.

Whether you love fiction, autobiographies or books that encourage personal growth, reading can do so much good. Not only can you learn something new, but studies have shown that reading can help expand your vocabulary, improve your memory, provide focus and relaxation, reduce depression symptoms and possibly even lower your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Pick up a book or two from the library every time you stop at home, subscribe to an audio book service or download books on a reading device or tablet.

7. Prioritize safety.

Safety is always important every day of the year but take some time this January to really look at your safety procedures and truck inspection checklist. Are they as thorough as possible? If you aren’t already doing truck inspections before every trip, start a new habit of putting safety first.

8. Recognize that your health is important.

Visiting the doctor can be difficult when most of your life is spent on the road. Your health is vital to being the best version of yourself as well as keeping you safe while on the job. In addition to your regular physical, make sure you’re scheduling clinic visits when you’re feeling sick, getting your eyesight and hearing checked regularly, and visiting the dentist. Don’t hold off on getting additional help for more serious health conditions like if you’re having trouble sleeping, feeling depressed or experiencing pain or other unusual symptoms.

9. Be more green & save some green.

Finding ways to drive more efficiently and reduce your fuel consumption is not only better for the environment, but it’s great for your wallet too. Keep your truck in good working order to increase your fuel economy and follow best practices for fuel conservation, such as limiting your idle time, slowing down and taking the shortest route possible.

10. Find ways to stay connected.

One of the biggest challenges for truck drivers is the fact that you spend so much time away from your friends and family. Staying connected to your loved ones is easier than ever before with the help of technology. Make plans for regular FaceTime or Skype sessions, call or text loved ones during your breaks, and snap and share photos when you stop in a new city. If you prefer things a little more old school, buy post cards along your route and mail them home to your family so they can see all the places you’ve visited along the way.

Are you making a goal or resolution for 2019? If so, we’d love to hear about it!
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