Press Center
Jun 16, 2017 • Carriers

HAZMAT Transportation

HAZMAT Transportation

Understand the requirements of HAZMAT transportation and how truck drivers can avoid violations.

HAZMAT Transportation

HAZMAT transportation can be lucrative for carriers but it requires understanding common Department of Transportation violations and how to avoid them in regards to hazardous materials.

HAZMAT transportation can be extremely dangerous for truck drivers which is why it typically pays at a higher rate. To enforce regulations and promote the safety of HAZMAT transportation, the FMCSA conducts over 154,000 annual roadside inspections, with an estimated 35,000 DOT HAZMAT violations reported. That’s nearly 23 percent of inspections resulting in a violation!

Most Common Violations of HAZMAT Regulations

  • No Copy of USDOT hazardous materials registration number (8.1 %)
  • Package not secure in vehicle (7.6 %)
  • Placard damaged, deteriorated or obscured (6.9 %)
  • Vehicle not placarded as required (5.9 %)
  • No Shipping papers (5.1 %)
  • Shipping paper accessibility (4.7 %)
  • Emergency response information missing (4.5 %)
  • Failure to provide carrier required placards (4.4 %)
  • Offering a hazardous material without preparing a shipping paper (3.0 %)
  • No placards or marking when required (2.9 %)

Want to obtain a HAZMAT endorsement on your CDL and potentially earn more with HAZMAT transportation?

GHS Transport Pictograms Cheat Sheet for hazardous materials from Global Chemical Resources.

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