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Nov 03, 2017 • Community

Add Places on Trucker Path

Add Places on Trucker Path

Add Places on Trucker Path

There are nearly 30,000 trucking related locations and 270,000 truck parking spots on the Trucker Path app. It may seem like a lot but new locations for truckers are built and smaller, lesser-known locations like family-run truck stops may slip through the cracks. No matter the size of the location it has a place in our database for truck drivers to access reliable information about.

If for some reason a location does not appear on Trucker Path there’s a simple way to add a place!


1. Open the Trucker Path app

2. Click the menu tab at the top left of the map screen

My image

3. Click Add Places on the lower left side

My image

4. Choose the email provider you wish to use to send a message

My image

5. Fill out the Name, Location and Details about the new place and send the message

My image

Your message will be sent directly to our support team who will be happy to help facilitate the addition of the new place. (Updates to locations typically take 24-48 hours to appear on the app)

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