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May 01, 2017

Trucker Path's Bobblehead Photo Contest

Trucker Path's Bobblehead Photo Contest

PHOTO CONTEST: Our Trucker Path Bobblehead “Johnny” will be making his way around America. Here’s how you can join the fun by participated in the contest and win!

Here’s Johnny!

Photo Contest Rules – Be on the look out for Johnny

If Johnny is passed to you by a fellow driver please do the following:

  1. Take photos of Johnny the bobblehead as you travel along your route. Sunsets, flowing riverbank, views from your truck cab for Johnny to take in. You decide!
  2. Send your photos of Johnny to us through a direct Facebook Message or email
  3. Pass Johnny to a fellow driver you come across on the road or at a stop the following day.

We’ll post your photos on our Facebook Page – ones with the most likes WIN!

Where Will I Find Johnny?

Johnny’s route begins in America’s Heartland near Cincinnati, Ohio – where he will be bobbing his head to the smooth moves of Big John – The Dancing Trucker.

Let’s show everyone how the trucking community is connected nationwide, hauling freight and delivering the things we all desire.

Johnny at the Roebling’s Bridge

Big John will pass Johnny along to a fellow truck driver he meets on his delivery route in April. Could be at a truck stop waiting in line to buy a coffee or maybe at a diesel pump while filling up. We don’t know where Johnny will be or when and that’s the point – it’s up to you, our community!

Oh, the Places He Will Go

From horses galloping freely through the fields of Kentucky bluegrass to the lively streets of Austin and the Texas State Capitol. “The Gateway Arch” in St. Louis, MO. leading west, to the majestic Pacific coast of California – Johnny’s Tour Across America has endless destination possibilities. Where will you take him?

The dedicated network of drivers in the trucking community travels over 432 billion miles annually. See how they can lead our eager Johnny across this great nation. 100 days to see all that can be seen!

Sweet Peach, Johnny’s in Georgia

Traveling along with with the Road Queen, Sherri McKinney, Johnny has made his way to Georgia now. Keep truckin’ along!

Johnny Stopping By at a Truck Stop in Kansas

There’s no place like home! Well, Johnny clicked his heels three times and has since landed in Kansas for a quick bite to eat. Where to next?

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