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Jan 08, 2020 • Carriers

Industry Update - January 8, 2020

Industry Update - January 8, 2020

By Paul DeCoste


Transitioning to New Trucker Path ELD?

Take a look at these resources for self on-boarding to your new Trucker Path Pro ELD:


Blog Post:

Web Application On-boarding:

Mobile Application On-boarding:

Cab Card Link:



Did you Know?

The FMCSA is increasing random drug screenings from 25% to 50% in 2020?   

The rate of drug screenings was initially reduced from 50% to 25% in 2016 but is being raised again. With 3.2 million CDL holders participating in interstate commerce and 1 million CDL holders participating in intrastate commerce, there will be more than 2 million random tests organized in 2020.    


Trucking Tip of the Week

This week, Love’s announced that 10 of their existing locations will now have Truck Care Centers and Speedco facilities. Take a look at which locations have been upgraded and are now accessible if you need tire, lube or mechanical services.  



How are diesel prices determined?   

The price for diesel is established like most retail goods, by the shift of supply and demand in the market. But, interestingly enough, the wholesale price for diesel does not always translate to the retail price for the same good. Retail prices are determined solely by each individual enterprise that sells diesel to consumers via gas stations and fuel stations. The “rack price” is a term used to refer to the daily wholesale price of diesel and there are many different resources available to keep tabs on the diesel rack price across different wholesalers.  


Celadon Employee Payout

This week, Celadon was granted approval to pay $4.6 million to drivers and employees that did not receive paychecks when the company shutdown. A federal bankruptcy judge granted this approval. This order allows $3.4 million to be spent on unpaid compensation and termination benefits for former employees, $900,000 to owner operators, and $300,000 owed for employee benefits. Although the company is approved to pay out the drivers and employees that deserve their finals paychecks, Celadon is not bound to do so.  
How to Kick-off your Trucking Career
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