During the last few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has begun to have an effect on everyone in the world. While truckers continue to deliver the vital needs of the country, there is continued risk in accumulating and spreading the virus in doing so. There is a lot that we can do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Since truck drivers spend more time inside their trucks, it is important to make sure that it is a clean environment for you and for anyone who rides in it. In this article, we have put together a list of tips on how to clean and disinfect your truck.

1. Choosing Your Cleaning Materials
The first step to cleaning and disinfecting your truck is to choose the right cleaning agents and materials you will use.
Isopropyl alcohol is a proven disinfectant, and is also safe to use on most truck interior surfaces. In fact, it is used in many production plants to put a final touch on interior components before they are shipped out. Isopropyl alcohol will remove many stains, smudges and residues, as well as kill bacteria and viruses. However, that stain removing quality can also cause problems with leather.
For leather components such as steering wheels, seating, and trim, a combination of soap and water is a safe and sufficient way to clean them. Avoid hard scrubbing when cleaning your leather interior, and avoid excess suds and water. Hand washing has been recommended as a primary way to protect oneself against infection by COVID-19, this holds true for washing your leather interior as well.
Another cleaning agent is chlorine dioxide (ClO2). It is a common disinfectant and odor eliminator, already prevalent in many shops. It is available in the form of tablets, and depending on the amount of water added, can be used in a vapor or liquid form.
It is recommended to use microfiber towels as cleaning material as it lessens the damage on any surface. Wash the towels thoroughly after each cleaning session.

2. Cleaning & Disinfecting Truck Interiors
While truck interiors are built to be tough, hard scrubbing or using a rough cloth can cause scratches or even discoloration. A wipe with alcohol on hard surfaces and gentle circular cleaning on upholstery are the best bets for both cleaning and maintaining your truck interior.
It is also very important not to use too much water on your seats. If cloth upholstery soaks through with water, it can get into the cushion beneath. This can cause the growth of mold and that musty smell you will recognize if you’ve left your windows open in the rain.
If washing the seats of your truck, it is best to wet a cloth or sponge with soap and water and wipe the seats. You do not want to leave excess soap or water, as it can take a long time to dry. Isopropyl alcohol can safely be used on non-leather seats.

3. Cleaning & Disinfecting Truck Exteriors
Truck exteriors should not be left behind. Wash you trucks regularly at truckstops. Pay attention to the parts which have frequent contact with your hands and shoes such as step boards and exterior door handles. You may clean these areas with soap.

4. Keeping Clean While on the Road
While you’re out, you’re exposed to germs and viruses that can follow you back into your truck. If you don’t have enough time to do a thorough truck clean, keep in mind of the common contact points such as door handles and controls, keys or start button, steering wheel, gear shift, seats, CB radio, all buttons and knobs on your dash, sun visor, anything touchscreen, the console and cup holders.
You can use disinfectant wipes on most surfaces. Wipe your mobile phones while you’re at it too.
By Aldous Aldwin